Feb. 23, 2023

Within the scope of two large programmes, GlobalABC and Guidehouse are collaborating on the dissemination of knowledge products and capacity building

Within the scope of two large programmes, BUILD_ME project and the Cool Up programme, GlobalABC and Guidehouse are collaborating on the dissemination of knowledge products and capacity building to accelerate the transition towards zero-emission buildings. The activities will focus on workshops, webinars, publications, tools, training and initiatives, including the BUILD_ME project, the Cool Up programme, the annual GlobalABC Buildings-GSR, and the Buildings Breakthrough target.
The Global Alliance for Buildings and Construction (GlobalABC) works towards a zero-emission, efficient, and resilient buildings and construction sector through raising the sector´s ambitions to meet the Paris Agreement goals and mobilizing all actors along the value chain.
The Cool Up programme supports Türkiye, Egypt, Jordan, and Lebanon in the uptake of sustainable cooling technologies and the use of natural refrigerants. Through accelerated technological shifts, the programme aims to enable the early implementation of the Paris Agreement and other international agreements such as the Kigali Amendment to the Montreal Protocol, thus stimulating both the global climate and ozone agendas.

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